Arbitration – 2013
Accreditation: Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through – Arbitration 2013, (published in February 2013; contributing editors:Gerhard Wegen, Stephan Wilske and Gleiss Lutz ). For further information please visit
At the present time, the Supreme Court is drafting a resolution that provides guidance on some provisions of the LCA. Some controversial issues will be covered including the scope of application of the LCA, the effectiveness of the LCA, grounds for setting aside the arbitral award, etc. The draft resolution is
scheduled to be issued by Supreme Court in early 2013. It is expected by legal profession that the new resolution shall become one of the most important resources of arbitration law in Vietnam, which clarifies the interpretation and application of the LCA. The VIAC has revised its Rules of Arbitration, which came into effect from 1 January 2012.
Nguyen Manh Dzung
Nguyen Ngoc Minh
Nguyen Thi Thu Trang